
“Unforgotten” is a narrative walking simulator with elements of exploration, puzzles and dialogues with the villagers.

Explore a mysterious village in the Siberian wilderness inhabited by strange occultists worshipping forest spirits.

Dive into their everyday life, background and occult knowledge to solve the mystery of your origin.

The game is based on the story of a small mining village hidden in the forest. In the centre of events is a journalism student looking for his girlfriend, who disappeared after a car accident.

Due to the multiple variants of the plot, you can play the game many times and learn new secrets of the mining village.

What will you become? Will you follow the occult madness or keep your humanity? Will you save your friend? Will you cross the line to learn secret knowledge? The mysteries of the North, the many stories, the hidden motives of the locals and the embodiment of the villagers’ fears await you everywhere. You are free to choose any path, according to your moral compass and logic.

ame Unforgotten you find yourself in a difficult situation: the protagonist together with his best friend, without warning anyone from his family, goes to his native village, which is located deep in Siberia. What can go wrong? Suddenly a deer jumps out onto the road. In an attempt not to run him down, the protagonist sharply turns the steering wheel, and gets in a car crash. Opening his eyes, the protagonist cannot find his friend beside him. Defenceless, confused and injured, he goes in search of her.

Will you dare to peer into a dark cellar from which a scream is heard? Will you take part in an occult ritual? Will you save your friend or think only of yourself? Even the smallest choice will determine the outcome of the story.

  • Atmospheric environments and photo-realistic graphics

  • Various endings, including a secret one

  • Variable dialogs with NPCs

  • Quests and puzzles

  • Aesthetics of Slavic ethnos

  • Primal horror atmosphere


    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: Intel Core i7
    • 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce TITAN X
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: Intel Core i7
    • 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce TITAN X

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