
BMX Streets is a freestyle extreme biking simulator set in an open world. BMX Streets captures the essence of BMX culture by giving players the ability to find their own style of riding through practice, experimentation, and exploration.

Revolutionary Controls

Bumpers are your hands, triggers are your feet. BMX Streets puts you in complete control of your bike, whether its on the ground, in the air, or grinding down a handrail. The perfect balance of accessibility and depth, the control system allows you fully express yourself, from learning the basics to pushing the limits.

Physics Like No Other

BMX Streets physics make riding anything fun. Get technical on ledges and rails, send huge roof drops or thread your way around backyard bowls; it’s all about your style.

Endless Customization

Build your bike to match your style with over 1,000 bike parts. Collect parts to build your dream bike that not only looks good, but lets your ride the way you want to.

Hit the Streets

BMX Streets’ massive open world is inspired by landmark spots in Vancouver, Canada. With over 25km of expansive road network, and hundreds of street spots, the world is your skate park.

Diverse Challenges

Races, Trick Attacks, Secret Gaps, Tech Attacks and more to push your riding abilities to their limit. There’s hours and hours of gameplay to take on. Just don’t expect it to be a walk in the park.

Better with Friends

Get after it with your friends. Session with up to 3 friends anywhere in The World. We built BMX Streets to be the ultimate BMX video game experience, but we aren’t stopping there… we can’t wait to show you what we have in the pipeline. Look out for updates coming soon.

Key Features

  • Physics Based BMX Riding
  • Diverse set of Challenges and Gameplay
  • Modern Control System
  • Replay Editor
  • Tweak System
  • BMX Customization
  • Pro Riders
  • Free Running
  • Open World
  • Day-Night Cycles
  • Player Stats Menu
  • Online Multi-Player
  • Mod Support


    • 操作系统 *: Windows 8 +
    • 处理器: CPU: 2.5GHz dual core i5 or higher
    • 内存: 6 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GTX 950 or higher
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 网络: 宽带互联网连接
    • 存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
* 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。

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